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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Not only do I remember the movie “Back to the Future”, but my husband and I will be dressing in our best 1980s gear for a fun 5k run this Saturday. If our yellow lab would put on a Marty McFly jacket we would surely win the race. Technology has transformed my schooling in the past ten years. In college, laptops were rampant throughout the dorms, but rarely brought to class. Now in dental school we are issued the same laptop throughout the entire student body. All of my textbooks are available at the click of a mouse and I can fit multiple encyclopedias in my backpack. Most of our records are kept electronically. This has many advantages, but also various disadvantages. Often in clinic we see many students asking questions, back turned and facing a computer. The patient interaction becomes a necessity and being drawn away from the advancing technology is always needed.
I love a break from the high tech gadgets, but also cannot imagine being in dental school or everyday life without technology! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Back to the Future

Do you remember the movie "Back to the Future" with Christopher Lloyd as the crazy time traveling Doc Brown?  Doc's friend, Marty McFly accidentally is transported back in time from the early 1980's to 1955. With the disturbance of the AT&T internet grid this past Monday evening, I felt as if I had ridden that flux capacitor back to 1980.  I don't mind a planned vacation from computer use; a camping trip without electronic connection is quite nice. This unplanned interuuption was unwelcome and annoying. I take so much for granted about the information superhighway the internet provides me, from finding a quick recipe for dinner, checking my bank statements, to playing a game of "Words with Friends."  And I heavily rely on internet searches in my duties as a dentist- the quick ability to check on potential drug interactions or email colleagues for second opinions is something I would miss greatly.
In my dental school years, I couldn't have imagined the high tech world of the computer and internet. We purchased large, heavy and expensive textbooks and took scrawling notes by hand in class. We relied on medical journals for information, with laborious searches to locate needed articles. Lectures were given with overhead projectors. I'm quite happy to be in 2013!