When Paul and I were in dental school in Portland, over 30 years ago, there was a downtown dentist who did a lot of print advertising. This was in the stone age, pre-internet, mind you, so we're talking about newspaper ads. I don't recall the name of this dentist, but I still recall his 1950's styled hair, old-style dental smock, and retro eyeglasses, which were not in fashion at the time. We students all clucked and sniffed, and decidedly avowed we would never allow our pictures to grow stale. We'd replace them frequently and stay current. We were also quite young, without gray hair or crow's feet near our eyes, and probably didn't think we'd ever look "mature."
So now we fast forward. Paul and I have our pictures displayed at the office. We look fantastic and fresh sans any wrinkles or aging hair color. The photographs are close to two decades old. Time for new head shots, and time for a reality check. We've definitely grown older, and the stark evidence between the mirror and our youthful pictures is unsettling. My advice? Change those photos more often, and the startling differences between youth and maturity are not so unsettling!