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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Floss Your Teeth

Last night my mom called me excited and wondered if I had viewed her recent facebook find, "20 Things You'll Only Know if Your Parents Were Dentists". While I find most buzzfeed articles hilarious and often scarily true (search for 22 lies disney told you about hair), the parents as dentists article rang far from correct. I feel if any buzzfeed would be true it would be the one that coincided with both of my parents being dentists. While I can't gripe over blogs, especially as I post my own, I can share my own ideas of what you only know if your parents were dentists.
First, the dental office is amazing. Sure, most people see 175 Cadillac as a place with the drill spinning and maybe a painful injection; however my older sister and I spent more than a few Sunday afternoons drinking Donald Duck orange juice and watching Big on a small roll out TV. Also, no one has flossing guilt. Toothbrushes are plentiful in a dental household and dental conventions are full of amazing products! You chew sugar free gum AND drink sugar free soda.
The most important thing to know if your parents are dentists is "Only Floss the Teeth You Want to Keep".
I think this may be written under the Brosy Crest (the seal, not the toothpaste)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Do dentist's children have fewer cavities?

Winter break from the local school district is in the final week, so we're seeing a lot of school age children in our office. After examining the teeth of two young pre-teen girls, I had to tell their mom that both girls had cavities. The youngest actually had many teeth with decay. Mom was quite unhappy, and more than a bit irritated. "Apparently I have to still supervise their brushing and flossing," she sighed. Then she asked me, "Did your children get cavities? I bet not." I chuckled, remembering how often I had to cajole our oldest daughter into taking better care of her pearly whites. Our youngest daughter is now in dental school herself, so is pretty good in the brushing and flossing category.

I laughed some more when this article came across my email http://www.buzzfeed.com/ailbhemalone/things-youll-only-know-if-your-parents-were-dentists

Monday, January 6, 2014