As a dentist, I have a love/hate relationship with candy. Personally, I'm inclined to think of chocolate as an important food group and could easily dine on Reese's peanut butter cups and a glass of red wine. I also brush my teeth very well after this indulgence, something my lollipop and gummy bear eating young patients don't always do so well.
Is Halloween candy fun? You bet. But does anyone really need ten pounds (or even 1 or 2 pounds) of sugar? It's not good for our overall health and weight, and certainly can cause painful cavities, which is why I'm a big fan of the Halloween Candy Buy Back program, promoted by Operation Gratitude. This will be the third year our office as participated in the buy back. The idea is simple- the week after Halloween, we encourage children (and their parents!) to bring in some of their extra confections. We give the kids a dollar a pound for their donations. The candy is packed up and sent to Operation Gratitude in southern California. They in turn send the candy to our overseas military troops.
We're partnering with
Pitts orthodontics and are especially grateful to
ITS Logistics Reno who have kindly shipped the hundreds of pounds of candy our offices gather.